Get Ready to Be Swept Away by Forbidden Love and Magic Once More!

I’m absolutely thrilled to announce that Book Two in my supernaturally-charged fantasy romance series, “The Lunar Prophecy”, is coming soon and available for preorder RIGHT NOW!

“Eclipse of Fate” continues the dangerously intoxicating story of star-crossed lovers Violet the witch and Cole the werewolf alpha whose unexpected romance now has apocalyptic implications for the enchanted realm of Evernite.

When we last left off, Vivee and Cole were adapted to the shocking prophecy that their taboo love would defeat the sinister Umbramortis entity and prevent a supernatural war from ravaging Evernite and the human world alike.

Talk about high stakes for a fledgling passionate pairing! Their very desire might decide the fate of all mystical creatures and mortals combined. But no pressure, right? 😉

Of course, Violet has quite the daunting quest ahead to unlock her dormant magical powers before a motley crew of allies and adversaries with conflicting agendas intervene…

Will Vivee reawaken her witchy potential to stand triumphant as Evernite’s foretold savior? Can Cole’s profound soulmate connection conquer all who try thwarting their provocative purpose?

You’ll have to read “Eclipse of Fate” when it releases Sunday Dec. 30th to find out!

Preorder now so it downloads automatically to your e-reader on launch day! And stay tuned for a cover reveal and blurb of Book Three coming very soon as well…

Let me just say, if you thought Book One Bound by the Blood Moon was a wild, sexy ride through dangerous mystical landscapes, just wait until you see what’s in store next!

Big News - My Serial Fantasy Series is Now Available Everywhere!

I’m thrilled to announce that my fantasy serial, “Bound By the Blood Moon” is now going to be available in paperback and ebook formats at all major online book retailers!

What started out as a passion project released chapter-by-chapter on my website has taken on a life of its own thanks to you, my dedicated readers. By popular demand, I’m making the series more widely accessible by publishing it through online retailers.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • New Installments Every 3 Weeks: A new “book” containing 12-15 chapters will be published every 3 weeks. This means you’ll get new installments at a faster pace!
  • Paperback and Ebook Formats: Each installment will be available as a paperback and ebook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, and more.
    Binge Reading Galore: For those who prefer to binge-read the entire story at once, I’ll be releasing compiled volumes that contain 12-15 chapters in either one book or a pack of books.
  • Same Beloved Characters and World: Rest assured the story, characters, and mystical world you’ve come to love aren’t changing one bit. Just the format!
    I can’t wait for long-time fans to get their hands on print copies to display on their shelves. And I’m excited to introduce new fantasy lovers to the enthralling realm of Evernite through this expanded distribution.

Thank you for making this dream possible! Be sure to grab the first installments today on your favorite platform. And let me know what you think – reviews are hugely appreciated and help other readers take the plunge into Evernite!

Happy reading!
